அமலனாதி பிரான் 3

Amalanathi piran

Second verse 

உவந்தவுள்ளத்தனாய் உலகமளந்தண்டமுற
நிவந்த நீண்முடியன் அன்று நேர்ந்த நிசாசரைக்
கவர்ந்தவெங்கணைக் காகுத்தன் கடியார் பொழில் அரங்கத்தம்மான் அரைச்
சிவந்த ஆடையின்மேல் சென்றதாம் என்சிந்தனையே                                 .3.

             The Lord of Arangam with tall and erect head-ornament which pierced the higher worlds when with great delectation is His heart, He measured the world ; Who is the scion of the race of kakut(an early king in the solar race) whose sharp and stinging arrows devoured the rakshasas who confronted Him (then), my mind has gone towards the reddish Peethambara worn by Him in His waist.


          After the lotus feet, as the Alwar looks up, the Lord’s Pitambaram in His waist attracts his attention, the enjoyment here being from foot to head ஆபாதசூடம். That is the order in which a devote has to look at the Lord. The first verse referred to the Lord’s feet coming and settling in the Alwar’s eye ; and this verse shows how the Lord’s dress drags the attention of the Alwar’s mind, and how the mind leaves the Alwar and goes towards it.  சென்றதாம், The ஆம் suffix shows to us that the Alwar did not see, and was not aware of, his mind going towards the Pitambaram. He suddenly finds that such a thing has happened.

          என் சிந்தனை My mind. O! After how many dresses, costumes and sarees did my mind go in the past dragging me thither. Even such a mind has gone by His grace to revel in the beauty of His Pitambara. A sense of satisfaction and happiness must have crept over the Alwar when he sang thus.

           Lord Ranganatha (moolavar) is like a மரகதமலை, an emerald hill. The reddish Pitambaram is like a halo of மாணிக்கம் wound round that hill. மரகதகிரிமேல் மாணிக்கவொளி சூழ்ந்தாப்போல்—a feast for any eye and any mind.

         The earlier portion of the verse refers to Trivikrama avataram and Ramavataram and equate them with Lord Ranganatha,an Archavataram.

        உவந்த உள்ளம் with heartfull of pleasure. The Lord was touched by Mahabali’s munificence and liberality which he would not permit even his guru to put down.Further, was not Mahabali a descendent of Prahlada, His premier devotee!
       The நீள்முடி or tall கிரீடம் is one among the insignia of the Lord bespeaking His overlordship of the Universe. In trivikramavatara, it became erectand grew and grew like Him, and pierced the upper regions. அம்பர மூடறுத்து ஓங்கி உலகளந்த as Andal put it.

       நிவந்த – உயர்த்திய elongated (Another reading is நிவந்த – நிமிர்ந்த ,held erectand aloft)

        Rama is here referred to as காகுத்தன் a descendant of ககுத் one of the Suryavamsa kings who earned that name by vanquishing foes riding on the hump சுகுதம் of a Vrishabha (bull)

         The prowess of Sri Rama with bow and arrow is referred to here as being such that His arrows swallow the rakshasas who come before Him.

         That Trivikrama and that Rama are now here in Srirangam as Lord Ranganatha. அரங்கத்தம்மான். He has a fascination for this sthala because of the fragrant groves கடியார் பொழிலரங்கம், கடி is fragrance.

        It is His reddish Pitambaram that has dragged my mind and riveted it into itself.

        The grip that the Pitambaram has on tha Alwar’s fancy is seen in the next verse also.

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